A couple of weeks ago we had the chance to present at the AESP Digital Conference on customer engagement.
It was a great day with some awesome presentations and presenters.
A couple of weeks ago we had the chance to present at the AESP Digital Conference on customer engagement.
It was a great day with some awesome presentations and presenters.
Topics: Utility Communications, Marketing Strategy and Best Practices, Audience Segmentation
On a daily basis, consumers are giving you insight into exactly what is going on in their lives. They’re telling you what they need, what they’re interested in, and the information they’re seeking to make a potentially bigger decision or investment down the road.
But are you listening? And better yet, are you responding?
Topics: Utility Communications, Marketing Strategy and Best Practices
With the conventions halfway over, shall we talk politics?
(Just kidding, that sounds awful. We know you get enough of that on your Facebook newsfeed.)
But in seriousness, this year marks an election that is largely based on the voters of the Rising American Electorate – the new American majority of voting-eligible citizens. They will make up a majority of voters for the first time this year.
Who makes up this R.A.E?
Topics: Utility Communications, Marketing Strategy and Best Practices, Audience Segmentation
On average, it takes 22 days and 32 touch-points, across various devices/media environments, to drive one conversion.
22 days + 32 touch-points = 1 conversion.
That’s some unfair math if you ask me.
Topics: Utility Communications, Marketing Strategy and Best Practices
Meet Eliza. She is a real-life customer who lives in Clifton, NJ. And her story is an important one, because her challenges (and therein, the customer opportunity!) are widely shared across her generation.
Topics: Utility Communications, Energy Efficiency, Audience Segmentation
Back in January, we discussed the Four Customer Demands to Watch in 2016. And now, six months later, we’re checking in. How are you doing? How do your brands and your programs stack up against these customer demands?
Topics: Customer-Centric Marketing, Utility Communications, Marketing Strategy and Best Practices, Audience Segmentation
“When it comes to personalized information, customers always say they want it. But how long will they actually engage with it? And is it typically the younger customers who are most receptive?”
This was a question (and an important one) that was asked yesterday during an AESP Brown Bag webinar. KSV + Tendril co-hosted the event titled: Leveraging Personalization to Increase Customer Engagement and Satisfaction. (Interested in learning more? Reach out!)
Topics: Customer-Centric Marketing, Utility Communications, Smart Technology, Audience Segmentation
“Who run the world? Girls.” - The Great Beyonce Knowles
If you were following the New York Energy Week (#NYEW2016), then you likely followed the Women Disrupting Power panel and the female leaders sharing their experiences and advice to further grow and innovate this exciting space. As a woman-owned business, we thank you for your inspiration!
Beyond the incredible women in this industry, there are also incredible women inside the home, holding power and impact beyond measure.
Topics: Customer-Centric Marketing, Utility Communications, Smart Technology
Personalization is no longer just a customer demand, but an expectation. IBM reports:
Topics: Customer-Centric Marketing, Utility Communications, Energy Efficiency, Research, Marketing Strategy and Best Practices
Customers are demanding more and more from every product and service they buy and use.
Even companies like Chick-Fil-A are making their fast food experience... faster. (Plus a free sandwich!) What does that tell you about customer demands?
Topics: Customer-Centric Marketing, Utility Communications, Digital Transformation and User Experience, Energy Efficiency, Research, Media Strategy and Best Practices, Smart Technology, Marketing Strategy and Best Practices, Audience Segmentation
EnergyWire is KSV’s weekly insight into the consumer mindset when it comes to energy. It’s an honest conversation on the reality of their perceptions and motivations, and how energy services companies can use this insight to successfully engage customers.