On Average, It Takes 22 Days and 32 Touch Points to Drive One Conversion… How Do You Measure That?

Posted by Ashley Nicholls on July 14, 2016 at 8:00 AM


On average, it takes 22 days and 32 touch-points, across various devices/media environments, to drive one conversion.

22 days + 32 touch-points = 1 conversion. 

That’s some unfair math if you ask me.

Brands and industries, everywhere, are trying to figure out how and where to spend their marketing dollars in this ever-growing, omni-channel world. 

Reporting and measurement on marketing and business metrics is a critical challenge for utilities seeking proof of return on their marketing dollars.

Smart marketing requires sophisticated analytics connecting disparate data sources and discerning value across all touch points. Marketers have long placed overwhelming value on “the click”, a tactic typically tied to conversion, but what about the other moments along the way that drove awareness, built customer trust, influenced and assisted in getting the customer to act?

While many consumers report email as the top preference for receiving communications, and indeed may attach more conversions than other channels, it is unfair (and inaccurate) to deny the hard work of other channels, touch points and moments that inspired the customer to opt-in.

But in some cases, it’s impossible to measure.

Marketing Attribution measures the impact of each moment across the customer journey, producing real-time optimizations and a stronger ROI.

It activates insights into how customers think, search and share information related to their needs and interests. Understanding the impact of their holistic customer journey maximizes your marketing investments through careful consideration of the role and value of each channel.

WATCH this video to learn more.

One of the most important things you can do is invest in setting up your systems to properly report these insights. This is helping you optimize your marketing efforts today, and those of tomorrow.


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