The Power of Music: Striking the Right Chord With Your Audience

Posted by Tony Peck on April 9, 2020 at 9:31 AM

Growing up in the remote cornfields of the Midwest can feel pretty isolating. Fortunately, I had a vast library of vinyl. Yep. I’m old. For me, the sound of that needle slipping across the surface of the record can be one of the most comforting sounds on this planet. Those few seconds before the music starts and the real escape begins.

To this day, when certain songs come on, I can remember what my room smelled like. The ratty old t-shirt I was wearing. Where I was sitting. The mood I was in.

Music plays such an important role in our day-to-day lives. Workout playlists. Go-to karaoke jam. Your wedding.

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Topics: Innovation, Content Marketing, Inspiration, Branding and Brand Value, Creative

Making the Most of Social Media in the Age of the Coronavirus

Posted by Shaina Kaye on April 3, 2020 at 12:57 PM

Back in January, we dove deep into two of the biggest social media trends of 2020: TikTok and the continued rise in popularity of video content. Although it was only two months ago, it feels like a completely different era.

A lot has happened in the past two months, and for many businesses, the focus has shifted significantly toward aiding and supporting community members in the uncertain time and future of the coronavirus.

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Topics: Customer-Centric Marketing, Innovation, Social Media Strategy and Best Practices, Content Marketing, Branding and Brand Value, Sustainability Marketing, Marketing Strategy and Best Practices

Industry Expert Interview: Rebecca Gildiner, Director of Impact Strategy at Sir Kensington’s

Posted by Shaina Kaye on March 26, 2020 at 9:02 AM

Community and collaboration has been a vital part of KSV’s DNA, but in times like these, community means that much more. We are fortunate enough be a part of several communities, allowing opportunities for connection, brainstorming and collaboration to help inspire great work and constant conversation.

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Topics: Customer-Centric Marketing, Innovation, B Corporation, Industry Expert Interviews, Content Marketing, Branding and Brand Value, Sustainability Marketing, Marketing Strategy and Best Practices

Reaching Your Customers in the Do-It-For-Me Era

Posted by Shaina Kaye on February 13, 2020 at 9:49 AM

Money can’t buy happiness. But for today’s consumers, money (and technology) can buy time, and that’s pretty darn close to happiness.

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Topics: Customer-Centric Marketing, Content Marketing, B2B marketing, Media Strategy and Best Practices, Smart Technology

What Does Your Brand Stand For?

Posted by Team KSV on February 6, 2020 at 12:01 PM

Communicating your company’s commitment to a polarizing topic can bring on paralyzing fear. The idea of taking a firm stance on a cause your brand believes in, especially when your competitors are not vocalizing their own beliefs or making their own commitmentswhether it is climate change; gender equality; diversity and inclusion; fair labor practices; sexual assault; or LGTBQ issuescan feel risky. This is especially true in 2020, with the way that information is consumed and spread at such a rapid pace with one small, vocal commitment having the potential to go viral. 

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Topics: Utility Communications, Climate Change, Content Marketing, Inspiration, Branding and Brand Value, Sustainability Marketing, Creative, B2B marketing, In the News, Climate and Social Justice

Social Media is Dead.

Posted by Shaina Kaye on January 23, 2020 at 11:58 AM

Not cold, stiff, done dead. Just the way it used to be, dead. It’s no longer this singular platform we seek out to connect with old friends from high school. It’s the way of life. And it has changed every aspect of how we take in the world around us—from how we consume news, to how we market our products or services. If you're ashamed to admit that, based on weekly notifications from your iPhone (thanks, Apple), you’ve spent upwards of 3-4 hours per day on your smartphone, know that you’re probably not alone.

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Topics: Social Media Strategy and Best Practices, Content Marketing, B2B marketing

3 Things to Learn from Our Favorite Influencers of 2019

Posted by Shaina Kaye on November 21, 2019 at 11:01 AM

November feels like the optimal time for reflection. In theory, the biggest projects of the year are winding down, and a new year looms ahead. In reality, you are probably just as busy as you were in January—perhaps even more so—and will spend the weeks between now and the end of the year at a frenetic pace trying to find some semblance of balance between finishing out 2019 and planning for 2020, leaving little time for true reflection.

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Topics: Customer-Centric Marketing, Innovation, Content Marketing, Smart Technology, Marketing Strategy and Best Practices

A Road Map for Your 2020 Content Marketing Strategy

Posted by Shaina Kaye on November 7, 2019 at 11:52 AM

Looking for the key to success in 2020? A tried-and-true tactic to build new relationships, nurture current connections, grow awareness, educate your customers, boost your digital presence, drive sales, foster leads, and stay competitive? Content marketing is your secret weapon.

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Topics: Content Marketing, B2B marketing, Marketing Strategy and Best Practices

Dear 2119: Keeping the Conversation Going

Posted by Kevin Willard on November 1, 2019 at 4:07 PM

The Global Climate Strike. The United Nations Climate Action Summit. Greta Thunberg. And KSV. Like everyone else who felt compelled to rise up, we knew we had to do something. Protests and demonstrations are powerful things, but they only create change in the long-term when people refuse to let go of the conversation. To get people to hang on to their hopes for a better future, we created the KSV climate capsule. A collection of messages from concerned citizens inspired by hope for a better tomorrow.

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Topics: Innovation, Clean Energy, Climate Change, Content Marketing, Branding and Brand Value, Sustainability Marketing, Climate and Social Justice

Let's Talk About Your Clean Energy Progress

Posted by Kerry Wilson on October 25, 2019 at 10:21 AM

We’ve been thinking a lot recently about what things will be like in a hundred years. 

It’s a strange but thought-provoking item to consider.

And while thinking about the next 100 years has started conversations and given us a sense of optimism about the opportunities in front of current and future generations, we cannot help but simultaneously wonder: What about the next 10 years? Five years?

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Topics: Innovation, Clean Energy, Climate Change, Content Marketing, Branding and Brand Value, Sustainability Marketing, Climate and Social Justice