A Social Media Guide to Reaching Consumers in 2023

Posted by Energy Wire on January 5, 2023 at 2:12 PM

If one thing is sure about the way people consume content in the digital space, it’s change. BeReal, TikTok, the Metaverse, the Elon-rollercoaster that is now Twitter: New social platforms and new ways to engage and consume content are on the rise.

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Topics: Customer-Centric Marketing, B Corporation, Social Media Strategy and Best Practices, Branding and Brand Value, Media Strategy and Best Practices

2022: A Year in Review

Posted by Shaina Kaye on December 22, 2022 at 10:07 AM

As 2022 winds down, we’re joining countless others in a moment (or two) of reflection over a year fueled by forward thinking, positive momentum, and growth. 

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Topics: Innovation, B Corporation, Climate Change, Branding and Brand Value, Sustainability Marketing, Creative, Climate and Social Justice

How We Took A Carbon Footprint Message to the Finish Line

Posted by Energy Wire on December 15, 2022 at 1:25 PM

The best way to understand someone’s problems, as the old adage goes, is to walk a mile in their shoes.

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Topics: Innovation, Clean Energy, Climate Change, Social Media Strategy and Best Practices, Content Marketing, Sustainability Marketing, Creative, Brand Activations

How Regenerative Marketing Can Affect Consumer Culture and Behavior

Posted by Energy Wire on November 29, 2022 at 12:25 PM

In 2021, $284 billion was spent on advertising in the United States. That’s a staggering number, representing a lot of power.

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Topics: Innovation, B Corporation, Clean Energy, Climate Change, Branding and Brand Value, Sustainability Marketing, Creative, B2B marketing, Climate and Social Justice

How KSV Turned Uncertainty Into a Funny, and Effective, Message

Posted by Energy Wire on November 10, 2022 at 12:47 PM

“What if we do nothing instead?” 

So asks the uncertain doppelganger of our decision-making hero in KSV’s latest “Uncertainty” energy-efficiency campaign. But our hero is undeterred: She won’t let this uncertain version of herself stop her. No, upgrading to energy-efficient equipment with expertise and funding incentives is too good of an idea.

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Topics: Innovation, Energy Efficiency, Creative, B2B marketing, Creative Showcase

Messaging for Change in the Age of the Apocalypse

Posted by Energy Wire on October 28, 2022 at 11:33 AM

“Ours is a banal sort of apocalypse,” Amanda Hess wrote recently in her New York Times essay “Apocalypse When? Global Warming’s Endless Scroll.”

“From Don’t Look Up to Greta Thunberg videos to doomsaying memes, we are awash in warnings that we are almost out of time. But the climate crisis is outpacing our emotional capacity to describe it.”

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Topics: Innovation, B Corporation, Climate Change, Inspiration, Branding and Brand Value, Sustainability Marketing, Marketing Strategy and Best Practices, Climate and Social Justice, Sustainable Brands

Big Problem, Bigger Solutions: How We Made An Elephant the Face of PECO’s Latest Energy Efficiency Campaign

Posted by Energy Wire on October 14, 2022 at 11:23 AM

The brilliant idea was, as they so often are, initially laughed off.

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Topics: Innovation, Inspiration, Creative, B2B marketing, Creative Showcase, Augmented Reality

Helping Save America’s Forests Proves to be Very Rewarding

Posted by Kevin Willard on March 17, 2022 at 2:02 PM

The American Forest Foundation wins donors. The planet wins trees. KSV wins three shiny new friends: Gold. Gold. And Silver.

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Topics: B Corporation, Climate Change, Inspiration, Branding and Brand Value, Creative, In the News, Climate and Social Justice, Creative Showcase, Sustainable Brands

The Expert Perspective: Rounding Up Our Industry Expert Interview Series, Part Two

Posted by Shaina Kaye on December 16, 2021 at 10:00 AM

In our previous EnergyWire, we revisited a few Industry Expert Interviews that we’ve had over the past two years. As we wind down yet another year of unexpected twists and turns, we find ourselves reflective and looking at the year ahead, gleaning inspiration and gearing up for whatever comes next in 2022. 

There’s no better way to do that than to revisit a few more interviews with some of the best and brightest leaders at purpose-driven companies in the US and Canada. Check out our final round up of Industry Expert Interviews and let us know: as your organization heads into 2022, what are some of the thoughts, ideas and conversations inspiring you the most? We’d love to hear from you!

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Topics: B Corporation, Industry Expert Interviews, Branding and Brand Value, Sustainable Brands

The Expert Perspective: Rounding Up Our Industry Expert Interview Series, Part One

Posted by Shaina Kaye on December 2, 2021 at 11:31 AM

At the start of 2020, KSV kicked off Industry Expert Interviews, a new content marketing series we implemented as a way to hear more from purpose-driven organizations around the country, get inspired and have great conversations with innovative and talented individuals.

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Topics: Customer-Centric Marketing, B Corporation, Industry Expert Interviews, Branding and Brand Value, Sustainable Brands