On Digital Transformation and Walking The Talk.

Posted by Ashley Nicholls on March 3, 2017 at 9:30 AM

Or, as we like to think of it: Websites, Beyoncé and Bacon.

We’re extremely excited to announce that this week we launched the brand new KSV website.

It’s taken a lot of time and a lot of hard work.

But it’s finally here.

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Topics: Customer-Centric Marketing, Utility Communications, Data and Analytics, Digital Transformation and User Experience, Innovation, Marketing Strategy and Best Practices, Audience Segmentation

IoT & Tomorrowland

Posted by Ashley Nicholls on February 24, 2017 at 9:30 AM
Tomorrowland was a dream of Walt Disney.
Did you know that Disney originally planned Disneyland as a group of five "lands", and Tomorrowland was complete with a "Rocket to the moon" ride, and the "Monsanto House of the Future"?
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Topics: Customer-Centric Marketing, Utility Communications, Data and Analytics, Digital Transformation and User Experience, Innovation, Marketing Strategy and Best Practices, Audience Segmentation

On Digital Transformation, Getting Out of Our Own Way, and AESP

Posted by Ashley Nicholls on February 17, 2017 at 9:30 AM
"If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always gotten"
What processes is your company holding onto that no longer serve your customers, your employees, or your bottom line?
Where are you stuck?
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Topics: Customer-Centric Marketing, Utility Communications, Data and Analytics, Digital Transformation and User Experience, Innovation, Marketing Strategy and Best Practices, Audience Segmentation

New Customer Video: On Great Digital Experiences and What they Want from Utility Websites

Posted by Ashley Nicholls on February 10, 2017 at 10:00 AM
How can you improve customer experiences, optimize operational processes, and enhance business models? 

Digital transformation.

Next week at AESP Nationals, we'll be presenting during an innovative session on digital transformation, and we thought we'd provide you with an appetizer of sorts this week.

When we're out in the world discussing the many challenges businesses are faced with today, we often hear the same laments (no matter the industry).

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Topics: Customer-Centric Marketing, Utility Communications, Data and Analytics, Digital Transformation and User Experience, Innovation, Marketing Strategy and Best Practices, Audience Segmentation

KSV Voices of Industry: Featuring Adam Knudsen of Dynapower

Posted by Ashley Nicholls on February 3, 2017 at 9:45 AM

For our second installment in the KSV Voices of Industry series, we're featuring Adam Knudsen, the President of Dynapower.

Dynapower is on the bleeding edge of innovation, in just about every category you could imagine when it comes to energy. 
But it's their recent partnership with Samsung, and their energy storage business and how that's changing the way utilities, solar companies, C&I customers will manage their energy in the future that we wanted to focus on today.
Adam, thanks so much for contributing your voice and expertise to this.
@AdamKnudsen: No problem. We're always happy to talk about energy storage and how it's changing the future of energy.
Great. Let's dive in. Tell me about squirrels.
@AdamKnudsen:  You know, when we talk about energy storage, one of the things we focus on is the impact of downtime on C&I businesses. A few statistics to help orient things:
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Topics: Customer-Centric Marketing, Utility Communications, Data and Analytics, Digital Transformation and User Experience, Innovation, Marketing Strategy and Best Practices, Audience Segmentation

On Trump, Energy, and the Future: The Latest KSV Brief

Posted by Ashley Nicholls on January 27, 2017 at 9:30 AM

Don't worry, we're here to talk policy, not politics. 

Just like everyone else in the country (the world?), at KSV we've been paying a lot of attention to the election of Donald Trump as our 45th president, and all of the implications that will come along with this era. 
And just a week ago, we had an interview with a promising job candidate ( we're growing, by the way), and he asked a great question:
"Are you worried about the business prospects of an agency focused on energy and sustainability under this administration?"
The short answer: no. 
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Topics: Customer-Centric Marketing, Utility Communications, Data and Analytics, Digital Transformation and User Experience, Innovation, Marketing Strategy and Best Practices, Audience Segmentation

3 Lessons from Tesla on Innovation at the Speed of Business

Posted by Ashley Nicholls on January 20, 2017 at 9:30 AM

Perhaps you noticed the headline from Inc.com in your feed:

Elon Musk Takes Customer Complaint on Twitter From Idea to Execution in 6 Days

Attention business leaders: This is how it's done. 

The short story here is this: A Tesla user in CA needed to charge his car and stopped at a charging station only to find that all the charging stations were occupied by fully charged cars, whose owners had left their cars to charge while they went and enjoyed one of the other businesses nearby (including a coffee shop, a gym, and a Whole Foods). The out-of-juice user tweeted at Elon Musk, who responded, and essentially said, Yup, this is an issue and we're aware of it and we're going to fix it.

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Topics: Customer-Centric Marketing, Utility Communications, Data and Analytics, Digital Transformation and User Experience, Innovation, Marketing Strategy and Best Practices, Audience Segmentation

Are You Annoying Your Customers?

Posted by Ashley Nicholls on January 13, 2017 at 9:30 AM
How many times do you want to hear from a brand in a given month, week, day? 
What about your cable company? Or cell phone provider? 
Now, how about your energy company?
Without structured oversight you may be more of a nuisance to your customers than a trusted advisor. 
The problem: Ineffective CRMs + Redundant email tools + Siloed Organizations
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Topics: Customer-Centric Marketing, Utility Communications, Data and Analytics, Digital Transformation and User Experience, Innovation, Marketing Strategy and Best Practices, Audience Segmentation

KSV Voices of Industry: Research on Millennials, Multifamily & EE Opportunities

Posted by Ashley Nicholls on January 6, 2017 at 9:30 AM

One of the inspiring parts of working in the energy vertical is all of the innovation, disruption, and incredible minds that are working to create solutions.

Enter Elizabeth Palchak.

A few months ago KSV had the opportunity speak at the BECC Conference and present on millennials, and got to hear a great presentation by Elizabeth Palchak at UVM (Elizabeth also does work for VEIC because she's a rockstar). 

Elizabeth has been studying (among other things) the impact of in-home displays on energy efficient behavior and awareness in a renting millennial crowd, and her findings were fascinating.

So today, Elizabeth is joining us on EnergyWire, and sharing some of the results of her research with you.

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Topics: Customer-Centric Marketing, Utility Communications, Data and Analytics, Digital Transformation and User Experience, Innovation, Marketing Strategy and Best Practices, Audience Segmentation

The latest: Electrical Circuitry Pens, LED lights for Gingerbread Houses, and More

Posted by Ashley Nicholls on December 22, 2016 at 9:30 AM

Just kidding! 

We wanted to send you an energy themed holiday treat from KSV. Enjoy!
But really, we've got some great stuff on tap for 2017. 
We've been asking you what you wanted more of out of Energy Wire, and we heard you loud and clear.
We'll be featuring even more case studies, voices of industry, research, voice of the customer research, and povs on energy, with content from some of the most compelling voices in energy today, including perspectives on energy storage, IoT, audience segmentation and hyper-targeting.
Want to contribute content to EnergyWire in 2017 or be featured in an article? Reach out, we'd love to work with you. 
And until 2017, KSV is wishing you a happy, healthy, energized, and sustainable New Year.




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Topics: Customer-Centric Marketing, Utility Communications, Data and Analytics, Digital Transformation and User Experience, Innovation, Marketing Strategy and Best Practices, Audience Segmentation