If water was dripping into your bedroom one night when it rained you'd probably get a bucket to capture the water. But eventually, maybe the next day or the day after that you'd deal with the root cause of the issue: the leak.
A few weeks ago, at AESP KSV got invited to join a session with utility decision makers, and we were asked (along with a couple of other smart agencies) to talk about the challenges and opportunities when utilities partner with outside agencies.
One theme that came up is that so often marketing is leveraged to solve customer satisfaction issues when the root cause of the issue is process driven or operational.
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Customer-Centric Marketing,
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Marketing Strategy and Best Practices,
Audience Segmentation
This week we want to talk about adaptability…
and TV.
What it means to “watch TV” has changed a lot over the last few years.
TV is everywhere now.
From the flat screen in the living room to your cell phone on the go.
People don’t just sit on the couch anymore. They watch TV on their computers in bed, on their tablet at the gym and on their phones on the train.
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Customer-Centric Marketing,
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A few weeks ago we spoke about one of our clients, National Grid, winning big at the ENERGY STAR Awards.
This week we want to take the opportunity to talk about another one of our clients and the awesome success they've been experiencing.
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At AESP this week, my colleague Tucker Wright and I presented on innovation, advanced targeting for C&I customers, and inspiration. We showed work that pushed the envelope for the energy industry, and world-class brands that had redefined their category.
We had great conversations with people who see the changes coming and are inspired to act, and act now.
We made a few people uncomfortable.
But you know what comment we heard, again and again?
“That’s great, but not for this industry.”
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Customer-Centric Marketing,
Utility Communications,
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Digital Transformation and User Experience,
Marketing Strategy and Best Practices,
Audience Segmentation
A few weeks ago we
wrote about the now infamous Pepsi ad debacle and the lessons marketers could learn from it.
This week Heineken showed everyone how it’s done with their ‘Worlds Apart” ad.
Some people are calling it the antidote to Pepsi’s mistake.
If you haven’t seen it, it’s certainly worth the watch.
There were no celebrities.
No dancers in the streets.
It had nothing to do with big budgets or stellar production value.
All it dealt with was reality.
Real people with real differences.
And that’s something that can connect with the masses.
They weren’t trying to end the resistance by handing out a few Heinekens.
They were just trying to start conversations.
And they succeeded.
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This week we traveled to Washington, D.C. for the ENERGY STAR Awards to see our work honored and celebrate some big wins for a couple of clients.
Haven’t seen the KSV POV video that was shown during the awards? Check it out here.
But today we want to talk about wins. Big wins.
Our partner National Grid won big at the ENERGY STAR Awards for their “Life on the grid” campaign.
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Customer-Centric Marketing,
Utility Communications,
Data and Analytics,
Digital Transformation and User Experience,
Marketing Strategy and Best Practices,
Audience Segmentation
Happy Earth Day!
A day to appreciate this big beautiful planet we all live on.
It’s when a lot of people and companies (check out these four videos from Apple) show their commitment to keeping this Earth intact.
Which is fabulous.
The only thing is that in order to leave a lasting legacy for our children we should be doing that all the time.
So let’s start living like every day is is Earth Day.
And in the future when Earth Day rolls around we’ll have something truly spectacular to celebrate.
Cheers, Earth!
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Tucker Wright is a Strategic Lead at KSV. His areas of expertise include brand strategy, digital strategy, and b2b marketing.
Full disclosure: On May 4
th I’m giving a talk at
AESP’s Spring Conference titled, “Hyper-Targeting, Native Advertising & the C&I Customer” so writing about why targeting
isn’t enough when marketing energy efficiency to businesses seemed poorly timed. But the reality is, it’s true.
Why? While hyper-targeting is incredibly important, it’s also completely useless if you’re reaching the right person with the wrong message.
And in our experience, that’s often what’s happening with most energy providers’ B2B marketing.
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Customer-Centric Marketing,
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Digital Transformation and User Experience,
Marketing Strategy and Best Practices,
Audience Segmentation
Duane Peterson is no ordinary solar outfit.
The former Ben and Jerry's "Chief of Stuff" has an eclectic professional past that has culminated (for now) in clean energy. We sat down to talk about inspiration, what he wishes utilities and state energy agencies knew, branding, Thomas Edison, and yes, ice cream.
For those that don't know, SunCommon, a certified B Corp, is a solar company located in Waterbury Vermont, and recently expanded into the New York State market. You can read more about SunCommon's culture, accolades, and approach
@ashKSV: Duane, thank you so much for taking the time to talk with us. Let's start with inspiration. Where did the inspiration for SunCommon come from?
@DuanePeterson: Well, my friend and co-founder, James Moore, and I had a conversation and we said, "Why is it that the adoption of clean energy is pathetically slow?" And then we imagined a better way. SunCommon exists to help people join the clean energy revolution; it's a market solution to climate change.
When he first began, Peterson admits, he knew nothing about solar. But he was an expert communicator, a great storyteller (he still is), and he saw a problem.
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Customer-Centric Marketing,
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Digital Transformation and User Experience,
Marketing Strategy and Best Practices,
Audience Segmentation
Next month, at the AESP Spring Conference on marketing, KSV was asked to speak on world class brands, and what energy companies can learn from them.
And there is a lot to explore on this topic.
But this week a big (BIG) world class brand made a big mistake.
Have you watched the now (in)famous Pepsi ad with Kendall Jenner?
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Customer-Centric Marketing,
Utility Communications,
Data and Analytics,
Digital Transformation and User Experience,
Marketing Strategy and Best Practices,
Audience Segmentation