Energy Wire

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Dear utilities, please learn from our country’s diminishing reputation.

Posted by Energy Wire on April 23, 2014 at 9:37 AM

America is getting hammered in the media.  Whether you read it in today's New York Times, "Running Out of Time", or today's Wall Street Journal opinion piece, "Ignoring Inequality", our major media are playing their role in hammering the American reputation, America's brand value.

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Be Prepared for #CompanyXHatesTheEarth

Posted by Energy Wire on April 22, 2014 at 6:58 AM

Accidents happen. Breakdowns occur. The proverbial stuff, as they say, will hit the fan.
So, are you ready? Is your business prepared?

And not in the “sure, we have an old flashlight and a space blanket in the trunk” prepared. We’re talking about full-on, career- and office-saving crisis communications plans and execution strategy, for when serious, potentially business-altering emergencies and PR disasters rear their ugly heads. 

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Did you know that 98,000 pets flew Jet Blue in 2013?

Posted by Energy Wire on April 18, 2014 at 10:02 AM

JetBlue is my favorite airline. It is not just the TVs or the fact that I can check a bag for free, it’s the user experience from web to phone to terminal to plane. Granted the airline benefits from the dysfunction that defines its domestic competitors, but regardless Jet Blue creates a relatively easy, enjoyable travel experience.

Blue gets branding. 

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How quizzes change the game for brands

Posted by Energy Wire on April 15, 2014 at 10:38 AM

I have an addiction. And that addiction is taking BuzzFeed quizzes. How else will I know what kind of pasta I am, or what city I should live in? Maybe these quizzes feed into our me-centric, “I tweeted what I had for breakfast” culture. Maybe it’s the same reason horoscopes are popular. Or maybe they just make me feel like a 13-year old again, taking quizzes in Seventeen magazine. 

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Reaching the “yet-to-be-inspired”

Posted by Energy Wire on April 3, 2014 at 12:02 PM

Utilities are in an interesting place right now. Mandated savings goals are increasing, the economy isn’t great and technology is taking over. On top of this, the target is changing. All the “greenies” have already converted their lifestyles to be more sustainable and energy efficient. The “penny pinchers” have already made all the upgrades or investments (they can afford) to save “x” on their monthly utility bills.
So who’s left? 

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Did the Facebook IPO Screw Brands?

Posted by Energy Wire on March 28, 2014 at 5:39 AM

As of this morning, a share of Facebook is worth $59.30. What is a Facebook fan worth for a brand? Long a debated question (and considering research shows people very rarely visit company pages), the answer might be trending towards next to nothing.
Remember when brands excitedly hustled to buy “likes” from people on Facebook? It was a no brainer, right? Pay less than a dollar per fan acquisition and then enjoy 24/7 organic timeline distribution. Brands could stay in touch, inspire sharing, present special offers and interject fun, clever thoughts and contests throughout the Facebook experience.  And , brands still can, kind of... 

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How Energy Efficiency Could Help New Englanders Get Comfortable

Posted by Energy Wire on February 24, 2014 at 4:27 AM

New England winters historically have often been brutal and cold.  Recently however, it has gotten worse. Our winters have left us with less than desirable amounts of snow and significantly below average temperatures. Summer hasn’t been ideal either. Many days have been in the upper 90’s and for New Englander’s that is quite simply…unbearable. 

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A Note to Marketers, From a Millennial

Posted by Energy Wire on February 10, 2014 at 6:21 AM

As millennials: We think we’re special. Ahem, we know we’re special. We actually do enjoy being social, not just with a screen. We prefer spending our money on experiences over objects. We know what marketing is, and we know what you’re trying to do. 

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2014: The Super Bowl of HashTags

Posted by Energy Wire on February 3, 2014 at 11:01 AM

There are enough creative directors online right now bloviating over which were the best and worst Super Bowl ads this year and why. I'll spare you my own irrefutable opinion and instead skip to some other high-level takeaways.

Super Bowl ads used to be just that: ads. But the best of what we watched yesterday weren't ads; they were fully realized, digitally-driven campaigns, many of which began long before the final two teams were set, and by the time the players took the field, had already been watched, passed-along, praised, or mocked by millions. 

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Hot Ad Ideas During the Cold Weather

Posted by Energy Wire on January 30, 2014 at 12:16 PM

There is a place where snow is uncommon. A place where school is cancelled with only an inkling of troubled roads ahead, where temperatures rarely (if ever) drop below zero and where a “freezing” walk is only seen in a parking lot from the grocery store to the car. What is this place, you may ask, you native New Englander, you cold warrior. 

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