Casey Furr

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The Sustainability Stalemate: Three Things Every Energy Company Should Consider

Posted by Casey Furr on September 15, 2017 at 9:30 AM

The word “sustainability” suffers from tremendous overuse in the energy space: “solar,” “green,” and “renewables”—everyone uses the same buzzwords. We’ve diluted what some words mean to a point of near meaninglessness. Your customers may say they like to hear these words (and some of them do), but few people actually care. And when they do care, it’s because your intentions and impacts are clear, tangible things that matter to people.

How can you make your efforts authentic?

Here are a few places to start:

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Topics: Customer-Centric Marketing, Utility Communications, Data and Analytics, Digital Transformation and User Experience, Innovation, Marketing Strategy and Best Practices, Audience Segmentation

KSV Voices of Industry: Two Unsettling Predictions from a Sustainability Expert

Posted by Casey Furr on August 18, 2017 at 9:30 AM

Casey is a Brand Manager for KSV.  With years of experience in sustainability consulting, Casey brings outside expertise to KSV's marketing practices.  


Andrew Winston is a sustainability rock star.

He is a consultant, author, speaker, and strategist, and the list goes on. His books Green to Gold and The Big Pivot are must-reads for anyone interested in the private sector’s role in addressing issues like climate change, resource constraints, and the role of business in society.

We had a chance to sit down with Andrew and talk energy, and the results were fascinating if not a little frightening.

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Topics: Customer-Centric Marketing, Utility Communications, Data and Analytics, Digital Transformation and User Experience, Innovation, Marketing Strategy and Best Practices, Audience Segmentation