Fair or Fowl: Debating Tips for a Besieged Bird

Posted by Energy Wire on October 12, 2012 at 6:27 AM

President Obama and Governor Romney: One debate down, two to go. Last night, Vice President Biden sparred with Representative Ryan.
The candidates have been pointing fingers and casting blame. And now, the real question on everyone's mind is: When will Big Bird get his chance to debate? And more importantly, will he be ready?

It just so happens that at KSV, we’re expert media trainers. Here’s what we suggest Big Bird focus on when preparing for the Big Debate:

  • Do an early flyover: Arrive early, check out the setting, arrange your nest and get comfortable.
  • Puff up those feathers: When you’re 8-feet tall, you really tower over just about any friend or fowl. Leverage your natural physicality.
  • Keep the orange and purple bird legs behind the podium: They’re goofy, and don’t look presidential.
  • Come out flying: Focus on your core messages, and keep pecking away at those of your opponent. Never just wing it.
  • Stories from the nest: America loves you, but we barely know you. Tell us anecdotes about when Big Bird was Little Bird.

Now if he could just do something about that squeaky voice...


(Credit: AP Photo/Matt Sayles, File)