Does Your Organization Have A Purple?

Posted by Noelle Palumbo on August 25, 2017 at 9:30 AM

The Pantone Color Institute has just released a new shade of purple in honor of the late music icon Prince.


Prince was and always will be a music icon, but what made the world's foremost color authority want to honor him?
Prince owns purple. 
Through a decades-long career, Prince became synonymous with the color. From his clothes and instruments to his lyrics and a feature film, his life's work was saturated in purple. 
But what does Pantone's dedication to Prince's commitment to a color have to do with the energy industry?
Well, ask yourself this...
Is there anything that you or your organization owns with such passion and conviction that you could be known for it uniquely and unequivocally? Do you have a purple?
Whether you're determined to spur the renewable energy movement or to be the most customer-centric energy organization in the world, is there something you're doing now that you believe you could own?
If you can't answer that question with a yes, then do the work so that you can. And if you can already answer yes, if you have a purple, then make sure it imbues every part of your organization.
Put it on the wall.
Put it in your mission statement. 
Put in the minds of your employees.
Put it in front of your customers.
Your passion should be so unrelenting that you make doves cry.
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Topics: Customer-Centric Marketing, Utility Communications, Data and Analytics, Digital Transformation and User Experience, Innovation, Marketing Strategy and Best Practices, Audience Segmentation