New Customer Video: On Energy Efficiency, Communications, and What Matters Most

Posted by Ashley Nicholls on October 21, 2016 at 9:30 AM

Hello from Baltimore! 

A contingent of KSVers have spent this week at the BECC Conference, learning about Behavior, Energy, and Climate Change and how we can utilize "nudges" to help people make better choices. 
And boy, do we have a lot of takeaways.
In fact, next weeks blog will be devoted to some of our key takeaways from the BECC Conference (you can also check out our twitter feed for some additional insights).
For today, we thought we'd share with you one of the videos we presented at BECC. We had the fun and honor of being asked to speak on THREE different topics, including our voice of the customer video series, personalization and segmentation, and a favorite, millennials and energy. This video was for a lightning round on marketing, and features residential, large c&i, small business, and trade allies, on energy efficiency, communications, connected products, priorities, and what matters most to them:
We had so much interest in the videos we produce, and this one was no different, so in addition to letting you view the video, I'm going to answer our most frequently asked question about the videos:
Who does your video work? 
We do! People are usually surprised to learn that KSV POV Videos are produced in house at KSV by our talented team. 
Want more insights?
Check out our KSV brief on driving business results in Brooklyn and Staten Island.

Topics: Customer-Centric Marketing, Utility Communications, Data and Analytics, Digital Transformation and User Experience, Innovation, Marketing Strategy and Best Practices, Audience Segmentation