5 Little Things You Can Do to Optimize Your Social Media Effort

Posted by Energy Wire on January 12, 2012 at 9:33 AM

1. Twitter. Don’t hit the retweet button and share mindlessly. Share thoughtfully by grabbing the content, pasting it into your message window and adding your two cents. Curated tweets are best-served with your point-of-view.
2. Pinterest. Add the “Pin it” button to your website and watch what happens.

3. Facebook. Instead of just asking a question, use a poll to gather data from your friends. It also makes it fun for them to see what’s trending.

4. Twitter. Pick a trending topic and tweet about it…again, thoughtfully. Don’t make the mistake Kenneth Cole did when they used the #Cairo hashtag.

5. Blogging. Snap a cool picture and share it as a blog post. Sometimes a picture truly is worth a thousand words.

What’s your quick tip? Share it with us here.