The Magic of the Patriots

Posted by Energy Wire on December 7, 2010 at 6:48 PM

Monday night’s stunning performance by the New England Patriots should be turned into the next runaway best-selling book on management and leadership. And I say that as a Jets fan.

On Monday night we saw a team at its best. Not a Quarterback. Not a coach. Not an offense or defense. A team.

Can a business be as focused, filled with talent, coached to succeed, founded on purpose? If the Patriots’ coaches and players can put aside their inflated ego’s, their need to win for themselves, why can’t business? Government? Anyone? Why is it only in sports that we see how success is always and only created by extraordinary teams? If we as a country, or state, or business could harness the magic of the Patriots, imagine what we could achieve. Imagine what we could win.

We must create environments that teach us how to play as teams to be successful. We need leadership that holds a clarity of vision, and we need players that come to work with kick ass performance as the price of entry. The Patriots won the other night. They might lose next week. No matter. All that matters is this: a winning team creates success for itself.

Lets all be the Patriots.