Thought leaders and behavior influencers in the energy efficiency space have a narrow path to tread. They must educate, motivate, and build trust and credibility. All without sounding preachy, shrill or unrealistic.
We’re giving the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) newly redesigned web site, Energy Empowers (, high marks for the way it delivers in these categories.
Energy Empowers is DOE’s clean energy blog. It’s got a distinctly real-life feel to it, covering stories about “everyday people across the country pitching in to help each other save energy...and get to work building a more energy efficient and sustainable energy economy."
That’s from DOE’s own Eric Barendsen commenting on the redo (
Now for what we like about the site:
- It’s clean, well organized, and easily navigated, with four revolving headline stories on the home page.
- You can search for stories by major energy subject, or by state or geographic region, using the map feature. In fact, everything about navigation and interaction is easy.
- Most importantly, with a strong focus on people's lives and every day needs, DOE clearly stakes its territory. It wants to build trust and credibility, communicate measured optimism – and it wants to engage you, amidst the avalanche of information you’re already receiving about energy efficiency.
We think it hits the mark.