Just like the age-old question, which came first the chicken or the egg, the same can be asked of opportunity or optimism. The difference is that the second question can be answered simply. Opportunity is the external possibility, and Optimism is the internal drive for good to triumph over evil, success to prevail over failure, breakdowns to lead to breakthroughs.
I find myself challenged by this today, as last night saw the candidates that I wanted to lead this state lose in the primaries. I saw opportunity for change diminish for our state. This outcome has challenged my optimistic self. Thus my question, Opportunity or Optimism? At times they are very connected in their meaning. And at times they are opposites of one another. One does not have to be optimistic to bump into opportunity or take advantage of opportunity.
Yet being optimistic leads to doors of opportunity. Being optimistic makes life’s rollercoaster worth the ride. I see the world through a lens of optimism. Sometimes I need to just clean the rollercoaster grit off the lenses.