In recent years, Accenture has studied smart metering programs and consumers’ responses to these initiatives. Today we’re looking at the fourth key finding in the global consultant’s comprehensive survey, “Understanding Consumer Preferences in Energy Efficiency” (
Channels and contact points for utilities/electricity providers to communicate with consumers are diverse.
Here’s where we dig into the nuts and bolts of communication around energy efficiency programs.
Traditionally, utilities answered inquiries for information and advice over the telephone. That’s how sign-up happened, as well. Today, many consumers would rather use the Internet to find out about, and sign up for, efficiency programs. A strong second choice is “in person at home”.
For ongoing support after signing up, “over the telephone” is the preferred channel. And consumers like receiving program information with their regular bill.
As people become more involved with energy efficiency programs, they will expect the same overall service experience provided by other organizations. Think of how you interact with your local bank, cable company or telecom provider. Those experiences will set the benchmark for expectations around service and convenience.
Utilities and electricity providers will have to reach the right consumers with the right messages at the right time.
That type of consistent and convenient messaging will support and enable the social consensus for changes in energy consumption, and will ultimately drive adoption of electricity management programs.