EnergyWire | A blog by KSV

The Unofficial Start of Summer Round Up

Written by Shaina Kaye | May 23, 2019 at 7:40 PM

Ah yes, the Thursday before a long weekend. Project deadlines are still looming, but for even the most diligent of workers, the lure of a long weekend and the unofficial start to summer may be enough to allow the mind to wander, even if it is just for a little while.

Put that wandering mind to good use and check out a few inspiring stories that have caught our eye recently:

  • There are now more than two million solar installations across the U.S. A true sign of incredible growth, this milestone comes just three years after the industry completed one million installations, an achievement that took 40 years to accomplish.
  • Sustainability is changing the way businesses do business, and you can blame Millennials. We found these statistics particularly interesting: “89% of consumers are likely to switch brands to one that is associated with a good cause, and 66% are even willing to pay a premium for more sustainable goods.”
  • As a woman-owned business, we have a special affinity for women in science and technology who are unabashedly leading the way in the fight for a more sustainable future. This interview with Jessi Baker, founder and CEO of Provenance, discusses how the company is using blockchain to promote sustainability.
  • Speaking of women: we just cannot get enough of Greta Thunberg. At 16, she has overcome considerable personal barriers and become a powerful symbol for the urgency of taking action against climate change. At the same time, she is still a teenager, balancing homework and speeches, visits with the pope and school exams. “When I grow up, I want to be able to look back and say that I did everything I could… I think that more people should feel like that,” voiced Thunberg.
  • Speaking of the future, read “How to talk to your children about climate change.” This article provides the perfect gentle reminder of why, for all of us at KSV, we do all that we can to help our clients share their sustainable, future-focused stories with the right audiences, at the right time, in the right places.

What’s inspiring your team at the (almost) start of a well-deserved long weekend? We’d love to hear.

And on this upcoming Memorial Day and every day after, we are forever grateful for the ultimate sacrifice of those who have bravely served our country.