EnergyWire | A blog by KSV

New Year, New Roundup

Written by Shaina Kaye | January 3, 2019 at 4:37 PM

Welcome back! Hopefully you have returned to work feeling as refreshed and renewed for 2019 as we are at KSV. As Mary mentioned in our last EnergyWire, this year is going to bring a multitude of exciting initiatives to the forefront of our agency. 

If you still need an extra push to be fully reinvigorated, we’ve rounded up a handful of inspiring and thought-provoking stories from around the Internet. Check them out and let us know what intentions you’ve set to help make 2019 a groundbreaking year for your company:

How Global Energy Transformed in 2018: A look back at 20 of the most remarkable clean energy achievements from around the world. Some of them may have slipped by unnoticed when they actually happened, and this article offers an opportunity to reflect on just how much momentum clean energy gained over the last 365+ days.

A clean energy revolution is rising in the Midwest, and utility companies are helping to lead the charge. Utilities are beginning to look toward the future when making their own energy decisions, triggering other clean energy changes throughout the region.

Why become a B-Corp? If you run a business with a mission to do good things for your employees and the community, here are five compelling reasons why becoming B-Corp Certified may be the right move for you.

The manufacturing industry is key to creating 27,000 jobs to help New York State reach its energy storage goals by 2030, highlighting the critical role that multiple industries play in making the clean energy transition a success and reality for all states.

The future of sustainable energy…is female? Several female innovators and employees are making headway in the world of renewable energy. A few of them are highlighted in the recent National Geographic documentary Paris to Pittsburgh.