EnergyWire | A blog by KSV

Plastic is Awesome

Written by Tony Peck and Kevin Willard | August 22, 2019 at 3:23 PM

You get to use it once and throw it away.

It’s the perfect vessel for consuming 50 ounces of wet, carbonated sugar.

It’s made some of our favorite products withstand the test of time.

Image sourced from @PlasticAtBay

And in 2019, it’s become Environmental Enemy #1.

So, what actually makes Environmental Enemy #1 so awesome? It’s pushing brands up against an extremely thick brick wall and forcing immediate change. Put simply, organizations are being held hostage by their past.

Companies across the globe are rethinking everything because, quite honestly, they have no other choice.

Plastic’s toll on the environment has reached crisis levels. Consumer concerns over environmental issues are skyrocketing, demanding that brands have sustainable practices baked into their core.

So why is plastic so awesome? Because we’re starting to see some of the most innovative solutions the consumer market has ever seen.

Like Filabot. A company built out of plastic waste. It’s taking ground-up plastic, heating it up, and turning it into filament for 3D printers. Pretty awesome.

Finding innovative ways to use all the plastic waste we have floating around out there is great, but uncovering ways to not use it at all? That’s next level. Carlsberg just became our new favorite beer.

Most impressive is a company whose entire mission is to eliminate the use of plastics completely. Replacing plastic tape used for shipping with biodegradable Kraft paper tape and Kraft paper packaging? Kudos, Unwrapped Life.

Combating plastic waste is an overwhelming challenge. But one innovation at a time, we see a lot of hope on the horizon.

The future of sustainability looks brighter as plastic compels brands to confront it head-on, and that’s pretty awesome.

How will your brand rise to this challenge?